Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1963, Blaðsíða 197
— 195 —
2. júní 1959. Hann verður að fara mjög varlega næstu sex vikur, þ. e. a. s.,
þar til callus milli hliðamefbeinanna, maxillae o. s. frv., hefur alveg breytzt
í bein. Abnennt útlit hans ætti að lagast meira, eftir að öll bólga undir
keinhimnu er horfin.
Mér skilst, að hann sé tryggður fyrir slysi eins og þessu, og ég álít, að
hann eigi að fá öll útgjöld greidd, þar á meðal allan ferðakostnað, bætur
fyrir atvinnutjón og jafngildi £500 fyrir talsverða vanlíðan og óþægindi,
sem hann hefir orðið fyrir.“
„P.S. Einnig ætti að hafa í huga, að þessi takmarkaða heymardeyfð vegna
taugatruflana kann að hafa hlotizt af slysinu.“
5. Bréf sama læknis til . . . (A) [fyrr nefnds háls-, nef- og eymalæknis],
dags. 22. ágúst 1960, svo hljóðandi:
“You may recall that I operated on this patient in Oct. 1957 for Chronic
smusitis. Thereafter he was well and free from pain for two years. He then
received an injury to his nose and the extemal nose as a whole was dis-
placed to the left. This caused ohstmction to the right naso-frontal duct and
resultant acute right frontal sinusitis. You referred him back to me in the
spring of 1959 and I carried out an extemal frontal sinus operation and
applied a skin graft to the naso-frontal duct. This has failed to effect a cure.
I again saw him a few davs ago. He complains of persistent pain in the
right frontal region (ólæsilegt orð) he is suffering from chronic right sided
frontal sinusitis. This is confirmed by recent X-rays which he will show
For treatment he will require a right radical frontal sinus operation
(ohlitation of the sinus) in order to free him from pain and allow him to
continue with his work.“
6. Bréf sama læknis til . . . (A) [sama sérfræðings], dags. 20. október
1960, svo hljóðandi:
“I saw this patient again in August of this year in Beykjavik. He still
complains of pain over the right frontal sinus.
On examination his nose as a whole is displaced to the left as a result of
trauma and an X-ray of his sinuses reveals considerable clouding of the
nght frontal sinus.
You may recall that I performed a right extemal frontal operation on
him last year. Following the operation he got a knock on the nose which
displaced it to the left and this has now caused obstmction in the left naso-
frontal duct.
I think nothing short of a preliminary plastic operation followed by an
extemal frontal operation with a skin graft to the naso-frontal duct would
clear up his symptoms. As this however is a prolonged procedure I recom-
tíiend that he has a left radical frontal operation, that is obliteration of the
smus and I have arranged to admit him to the Royal Northem Infirmary,
Invemess, at an early date for operation.“
7. Bréf . . . (A) [fyrr nefnds sérfræðings í háls-, nef- og eymalækning-