Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1981, Side 235
Sambandið føroyinga og útlendinga millum
Since the middle of the 16th century several Faroese have been sailing aboard
foreign trade ships, often overseas, and have later retuined home. During the
17th and 18th centuries shipwreck occasionally caused considerable numbers of
foreigners to remain for longer periods here and there in the Faroe Islands.
Tourist journeys were rare, but from the 16th century onwards several foreigners
immigrated, and many officials travelled to and from the Islands (bailiffs, civil
servants, higher trade employees, clergymen, doctors, and foreign landowners).
A number of visitors, Norwegian as well as Danish, were married on the Islands.
Young Faroese men and women went into service for a term of years in other
countries. Some attended schools or institutes of higher education. Before 1620
all this took place in Norway, later in Denmark. As early as the 17th century
craftsmen learned their trade in other countries. During the second half of the
18th century a few foreign coal miners worked in the Faroes. Several scientific
expeditions to the Faroes took place both in the 18th and 19th centuries. A con-
siderable contact with foreigners existed during the first half of the 19th century
through fishing experiments and foreign trade on small Faroese vessels.
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2. Beenhakker, A. ].: Hállendingar í Føroyum. Mondul 5 (1): 3, 5 (2): 3, 1979
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3. Boeg, A.: Et epidemiologisk Bidrag til Lungeftisens Ætiologi. Kbhvn. 1902.
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5. Carøe, K.: Landkirurger og Fysici pá Færøerne 1584-1916. Personalhistorisk
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6. Correspondance /. H. Schrøter & others to Sir W. C. Trevelyan 1831-65.
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7. Cortemiinde: Mondul 6 (1): 9, 1980.
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13. Den kongelige enehandel pa Færøerne 1709-1855, Rigsarkivet. 1. Afd. Marts
14. Ehlers, E.: Om den sákaldte »Kunøske Spedalskhed«. Hospitalstidende 36:
4. R., 1. Bd.: 1084, 1893.
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