Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1981, Page 257
A pair of Hide Shoes
1) Sigurd Grieg Middelalderske byfunn fra Bergen og Oslo. Oslo 1933 pp. 214 f.
During the excavations at Borgund, which took place shortly before the Leksvik
shoes, some shoes with true soles, from the ancient market, were found. They
probably date from the llth or 12th century. (Asbjørn E. Herteig. Kaupangen
Borgund kommer for dagen. Ab. 1953 p. 14). Erik Schia discusses the recently
discovered shoes from Gamlebyen in De arkologiske utgravninger i Gamlebyen,
Oslo. Feltet »Mindets tomt«. Oslo 1979 pp. 121-201.
2) Osebergfundet. B. II pp. 207 f.
3) Anathon Bjørn. Nogen myrfund fra Trøndelagen, pp. 9 f. (D.K.N.V.S. Skr.
1920 nr. 4).
Cf. Poul Nørlund. Klædedragt i oldtid og middelalder p. 59. (Nordisk kultur,
Dragt, Sthl. 1941).
4) The inventory no. of the shoes is T. 17400. Present length 25 cm, greatest
present width across the sole 9 cm.
5) For valuable information about the hide used in the Leksvik shoes, and
about primitive methods of tanning as such, my thanks are due to Olaf Hansen,
6) Hjalmar Falk. Altwestnordische Kleiderkunde. Kria. 1919. p. 134.
7) Sigurd Grieg op. cit. p. 215 fig. 174. According to Gerhard Fischer, another
hide shoe was found during the excavations at Garmlebyen. (Verbal information).
8) Ernfrid Jáfvert. Skor och skomakerteknikk under medeltiden. (Fornv. 1937
p. 32).
9) Ernfrid Jáfvert op. cit. p. 35.
10) Poul Nørlund op. cit. pp. 58-9.
11) Poul Nørlund. op. cit. p. 57.
12) Osebergfundet B. II Oslo 1928 pp. 207 f.
13) Hjalmar Falk. Litt om sagatidens sko. (Mál og Minne 1917 p. 53).
14) H. Saxlund. Ortengammen m.m. (Meddelelser om fund, gjorte i Ákerø i
yttre Romsdalen 1908). (D.K.N.V.S. Skr. 1909 nr. 6). Later discussed by Anathon
Bjørn. Nogen myrfund fra Trøndelagen (D.K.N.V.S. Skr. 1920 nr. 4 p. 11).
15) Bjørn op. cit. p. 9, cf. K. Rygh. Oldsagsamlingens tilvekst 1907 (D.K.N.V.S.
Skr. 1907 nr. 9 p. 15).
K. Lossius (D.K.N.V.S. Skr. 1888-90 p. 256) discusses a find of shoes from a
bog at Vesta, Bud in Romsdal; these are, however, now lost.
16) Poul Nørlund op. cit. p. 59.
17) Johs. Brøndsted. Danmarks oldtid III Kbh. 1940 p. 205.
See also Engelhardt. Thorsbjerg Mosefund Kbh. 1863 p. 19 P 1.3.
18) Margrethe Hald. Olddanske tekstiler. Kbh. 1950 p. 335. The sandal type
also occurs in e.g. the Hannoverian bog finds from the Roman Age and the
Migration Age.
18a) S. Westergaard Nielsen. Vesthimmerlands Museum i áret 1947-1948 (Aar-
bøger udg. af Hist. Samf. for Aalborg Amt B XV pp. 202 f.).
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