Uppeldi og menntun - 16.02.2007, Blaðsíða 115
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The main purpose of this research was to investigate parents’ views towards provision
of support in the parental role. The main background for the study relates to con-
cerns about an increasing lack of discipline in society and antisocial behaviour among
youths, which may diminish parents’ self-assurance in terms of child-raising. Children’s
development is influenced by many factors but parents and their parenting styles and
nurturing of relationships with their children are of great importance. It is therefore
important that parents feel confident in their parental role and are able to obtain sup-
port when needed. But do they wish for support? What kind of support and in what
form? This was addressed in a survey among parents of 180 children aged 4–12 in one
of the school districts in Akureyri in the spring of 2003. The main conclusions are that
nearly 70% of the respondents want some kind of support in their parental role. Those
parents who regard themselves secure in their parental role are less likely than others
to ask for support.
Birna María Svanbjörnsdóttir er
sérfræðingur á skólaþróunarsviði
kennaradeildar Háskólans á Akureyri