Uppeldi og menntun - 16.02.2007, Síða 179

Uppeldi og menntun - 16.02.2007, Síða 179
179 HANNA RAGNARSDÓTTIR, HILDUR BLÖNDAL HEIMILDASKRÁ Allyson Macdonald, Gígja Árnadóttir, Hanna Ragnarsdóttir og Veturliði Óskarsson. (2005). Tillögur að alþjóðlegri kennarabraut eða námsleið við KHÍ. Sótt 01.06.2007 frá https://ugla.khi.is/tmp/831148313.pdf Altbach, P. G. (2004). Globalisation and the university: Myths and realities in an unequal world. Tertiary Education and Management, 10, 3–25. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. (2003). Culture, language, and student achievement: Recruiting and preparing teachers for diverse students. Sótt 01.06.2007 frá http://www.aacte.org/Publications/AACTEWingspreadCultureand- language.pdf American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. (2004). The Early childhood challenge. Preparing high-quality teachers for a changing society. Sótt 1. júní 2007 af http://www.aacte.org/News/Press_Room/ECEpaper.pdf Back, L. (2004). Ivory towers? The academy and racism. Í I. Law, D. Phillips og L. Turney (Ritstj.), Institutional racism in higher education (bls. 1–6). Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books. Banks, J. A. (2005). Multicultural education: Characteristics and goals. Í J. A. Banks og C. A. M. Banks (Ritstj.), Multicultural education. Issues and perspectives (5. útgáfa), (bls. 3–30). New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Bauman, Z. (1997). Universities old, new and different. Í A. Smith og F. Webster (Ritstj.), The postmodern university? Contested visions of higher education in society. (bls. 17–26) Buckingham: SRHE og Open University Press. Björk Helle Lassen. (2007). Í tveimur menningarheimum. Reynsla og upplifun kennara af erlendum uppruna af því að starfa í grunnskólum á Íslandi. Óbirt meistararitgerð: Kenn- araháskóli Íslands. Bogdan, R. C. og Biklen, S. K. (2003). Qualitative research for education. An introduction to theory and methods (4. útgáfa). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Bologna Secretariat Website. Department for education and skills. (2007). Towards the European Higher Education Area: Responding to challenges in a globalised world. Sótt 31.05.2007 frá http://www.dfes.gov.uk/bologna/uploads/documents/London CommuniquefinalwithLondonlogo.pdf Cordeiro, P. A., Bloom, D. A., Engelbrecht, G., Conzalez, B., Kissock, C. og Wan, Y. (2003). A call for the internationalization of teacher education in an era of globalization. A paper presented by the Global and International Teacher Education Committee of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. Sótt 31.05.2007 frá http://www. atea.edu.au/ConfPapers/2003/Reviewed%20Papers/Cordeiro.doc Denzin, N. K. og Lincoln, Y. S. (2005). Introduction. The discipline and practice of qualitative research. Í N. K. Denzin og Y. S. Lincoln (Ritstj.), The Sage handbook of qualitative research (3. útgáfa), (bls. 1–32). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Dunn, L. og Carroll, J. (2005). Collaborating and co-learning. Sharing the message on teaching international students within institutions. Í J. Carroll og J. Ryan (Ritstj.), Teaching international students. Improving learning for all (bls. 136–146). London: Ro- utledge.
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