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The Art of Allusion
Hans-Georg Gadamer’s philosophical Interventions under National
This article is a brief introduction to my study concerning Gadamer during
the period of National Socialism: Platonic Violence, Gadamer’s Political Her-
meneutic in the Third Reich (Platonische Gewa/t. Gadamers Politische Hermen-
eutik der NS-Zeit, Hamburg 1995). It focuses on Gadamer’s interpretation
of Plato, which is analyzed within the context of its political conjunctions
with National Socialism. It attempts to show how national-conservative
philosophers sought to cope with National Socialisms, i.e. how philosophers
who were not Nazis reflected on their pohtical present by using philosophic-
al methods. Gadamer’s interpretation of Plato shows how the art of hermen-
eutic allusion, which leaves numerous possibilities open in the process of
interpreting the classics, supported the authoritarian and antidemocratic
transformation of the state and gave the contemporary political situation an
echo in classical antiquity.