Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1956, Síða 73

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1956, Síða 73
Tuberklarnir í Føroyum í 19. og 20. øld 81 likely a mere consequence of the fact that infection of new classes of birth is no longer able to keep the disease on the same high level as in the end of the 19th century when the disease pervaded a partly virgin area. On the other hand, however, the steady and regular decline of the disease during the past 25—30 years is no doubt a result of the highly intensified work against the tuberculosis. As important factors here one may mention the building of a chest clinic (1928), and, quite especially, a statute prescribing compulsory examination of fishermen before being allowed to sign on (1939) — by which several infectious cases have been isolated every year, and fínally the introduction of B. C. G. vaccination in 1946. In the years 1946—1955 a total number of 17.790 persons were vaccinated. Among these, 19 new cases of tu» berculosis occurred, and 3 deaths. Among the rest of the population — a total number of 14,699 persons — 355 new cases of tuberculosis occurred, and 126 deaths. BÓKMENTIR 1. Bech, C. J.: Om Kvægtuberkulosen paa Færøerne. Medlemsblad for den danske Dyrlægeforening. 1934, 17: 329. 2. Befolkningss og Erhvervsforhold i Færø Amt. Statistiske Meddelel* ser 4. R„ 75. B„ 4. H„ Kbhvn. 1926. 3. Berg.A.: Bidragtil Kundskab om Færøerne. Nykjøbing 1889. Pp. 122. 4. Betænkning om Færøernes Erhvervsforhold. Thorshavn 1939. 5. Boeg, A.: Et epidemiologisk Bidrag til Lungeftisens Ætiologi. Køs benhavn 1902. Pp. 154. 6. Carlsen, ].: Lunge« og Strubetuberkulose. Tuberkulosen i Almindes lighed 1890—1909, í: Medicinalberetning for den danske Stat for Aaret 1909. Kbhvn. 1912, p. 189. 7. Carlsen, J.: Tuberkulosestatistik for det egentlige kongerige Dan» mark 1906—09, í: Medicinalberetning for den danske Stat for Aaret 1913. Kbhvn. 1916. 8. Djurhuus, Z.: Aarsberetning fra det veterinære Sundhedsraad for Aaret 1898. København 1899, p. 27. 9. Effersøe, G.: Grein í «Føroya felag móti tuberklasjúku». Beretning, 1. Aargang 1926, p. 48. 10. Effersøe, R. C.: Landbruget og Husdyrbruget paa Færøerne. Kbhvn. 1886, Pp. 60. 11. Faber, K.: Tuberkulosedødelighedens Aftagen i Danmark. Nord. med. 1930, 2: 113. 12. Faber, K.: Trydes Expedition til Færøerne. Ugesk. f. læger 1944, 106: 1283.
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