Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1956, Page 89
Merking av toski vestan fyri Suðuroy í 1952
The marking experiments with Cod at the Faroes in 1909—1937 were
dealt with by Strubberg (1916 and 1933) and Táning (1940). The present
report discusses the marking experiments with Cod west of Suðuroy
in 1952. 523 Cod were marked, 371 in June and 152 in November.
Most of these were small (Table 1). 94 Cod (18 °/o) are recaptured
(Table 2—3). One is recaptured on Faroe Bank and one on Middle
Rough in the North Sea. All the others are recaptured o£f the Faroes
(Fig. 1—8). The figures in Fig. 1—8 indicate the numbers of months in
sea after tagging. British trawlers took 49 of the recaptured Cod, and
Faroese boats 45. 48 Cod were taken by trawl, 36 by hand line, 9 by
line and 1 by seine.
1. Schmidt, Johs.: Racial Investigations X. The Atlantic Cod (Gadus
callarias L.) and local races of the same. Comtessrendus des travaux
du Laboratoire Carlsberg 18. Vol. No. 6. Copenhague 1930.
2. Strubberg, A. C.: Marking Experiments with Cod at the Faroes.
Medd. f. Komm. f. Havundersøgelser. Fiskeri. 5, 2.
København 1916.
3. — : Marking Experiments with Cod at the Faroes. II.
Medd. f. Komm. f. Danm. Fiskerb og Havunder*
søgelser. Fiskeri. 9, 7. København 1933.
4. Táning, A. Vedel: A Method for Marking Cod. Capt. Hansen’s
marking needle. Journal du Conseil. Vol. 8. p.
385. København 1933.
5. — : Some Features in the Migration of Cod. Journal
du Conseil. Vol. 12. København 1933.
6. — : Migration of Cod Marked on the Spawning Places
of the Faroes. Medd. f. Komm. f. Danm. Fiskeris
og Havundersøgelser. Fiskeri 10, 7. København