Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1956, Síða 159

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1956, Síða 159
Víkingaaldargrøv í Tjørnuvík 167 The grave is surrounded by a rectangular stone frame, about 150X50 cm. The bottom of the grave is situated 8.50—8.70 m above the level of the sea. Contents of the grave: 1) Much crumbled remains of bones: cranium (Fig. 5), right femur, fragments of left femur, right tibia, one of the fibulas, and fragments of bones of the foot. — The skeletal remains have belonged to a woman 155 cm high. The set of teeth complete, apart from 8 +. The teeth are sound, with much wear and tear of the masticating surfaces. — The body was placed with head directed ENE, resting on left side. — 2) A ringsheaded pin of bronze, with appendant pieces of cloth (Fig. 6). To the bottom bend of the ring a thread is fixed (Fig. 8). The ring+eaded pin is of scottish»celtic type and the buriabfind is dated to lOth century. BÓKMENTIR 1. Árbók hins íslenzka fornleifafelags 1943—1948, bls. 108—22. 2. Brøgger, A. W: Den norske bosetningen pá Shetland—Orknøyene. Oslo 1930, bls. 246. 3. Brøgger, A. IT.: Gamle Emigranter. Oslo 1928. 4. Brøndsted, Johs.: Danmarks Oldtid III. København 1940, bls. 310. 5. Dahl, Sverri: Tvey fornminni í Syðrugøtu. Fróðskaparrit 1. bók. Tórshavn 1952, bls. 149 f. 6. Eldjárn, Kristján: Kuml og haugfe úr heiðnum sið á íslandi. Reykja* vík 1956, bls. 207 og 319 f; 139., 140. mynd. 7. Nørlund, Poul: Trelleborg. København 1948, bls. 105 f. 8. Petersen, Jan: Vikingetidens Smykker. Stavanger 1928, bls. 172—197. 9. Shetelig, Haakon: Gravskikk og religion i norrøne vikingebygder. Viking, bd. X. Oslo 1946, bls. 165. 10. Shetelig, Haakon: Vestlandske graver fra jernalderen. Bergen 1912. bls. 201 f. 11. Viking antiquities in Great Britain and Ireland, part II. Oslo 1940, bls. 167; 83. mynd. 12. Viking antiquities in Great Britain and Ireland, part VI. Oslo 1954, bls. 98.
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