Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.12.1967, Blaðsíða 31

Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.12.1967, Blaðsíða 31
TlMARIT VPl 1967 29 stæður. Stefnan verður fyrst og fremst að fram- kvæmast fyrir tilverknað þeirra beinu áhrifa, sem stefnumörkunin hefur á aðgerðir opinberra aðila, og þar með þeirra óbeinu áhrifa, sem hún hefur á starfsemi í atvinnugreininni. Til viðbót- ar þessu geta síðan komið bein áhrif á afstöðu fyrirtækja og samtaka, sem leiða af náinni sam- vinnu við þessa aðila í sambandi við mótun stefnunnar. En engin stefnumótun, engin starf- semi opinberra aðila, engin stofnun ráða, getur nokkurn tíma komið í stað frumkvæðis og ábyrgðar einstaklinga og fyrirtækja í atvinnu- greininni sjálfri og samtaka þeirra. Hlutverk stefnumótunar, eins og annarra opinberra að- gerða á vettvangi atvinnulífsins, er að skapa starfsemi þessara aðila þau skilyrði, er bezt stuðla að hagkvæmum vinnubrögðum og skyn- samlegum ákvörðunum þeirra sjálfra. Summary The fishing industry is the basic sector of the Icelandic economy insofar as it provides the major part of the country’s foreign exchange earnings and has in this century led the country’s rapid economic development. The growth of the fishing industry has been supported by the development of other related industries, but the fishing industry is the only industry in the country which has been able to break through as a major export industry and thus escape the limitations of the small domestic market, utilize the advantages of production of scale and through its own rapid development induce the growth of other industries. There has been a strong tendency to limit the benefits the fishing industry itself could reap from its access to the country’s richest natural resource. In part, the growth of the industry has automatically set in motion a general increase in income, which has distributed these benefits throughout the economy. In part, deliberate efforts have been made to limit the profits of the fishing industry and to protect other industries, or branches within the fishing industry itself, which have found it difficult to compete with the fast growing branches of that industry. These attempts have been considered all the more justified in view of the fishing industry’s dependance upon a limited natural resource, which is furthermore subject to great local and time variations. Indirect methods, rather than direct, have been used to distribute the benefits from the exploitation of the fishing banks, to protect other industries from the effect of the growth of the fishing industry and to help create a more diversified and stable economy. Instead of levying a direct resource tax on the fishing industry, a relatively low rate of exchange has mostly been maintained and other industries than the fishing industry have been compensated for this through tariff protection and import controls. In addition, subsidies have been granted to specific industries, especially agriculture and, at times, certain branches of the fishing industry. The use of these methods has profoundly affected the general direction the development of the economy has taken. It has hampered the growth of some industries closely connected with the fishing industry, such as shipbuilding and production of fishing gear, which other- wise should have had relatively favourable conditions of growth, but do not enjoy protection of distance, nor have been granted tariff pro- tection. Moreover, it has hampered the growth of those branches of the fishing industry itself which are beyond the primary processing of the raw material, and thus do not benefit directly from the easy access to the fishing banks. It has, on the other hand, promoted agri- cultural production and a diversified industrial production, mainly of consumer goods. The information available on the present and prospective magnitude of the main fish species caught in Icelandic waters, does not indicate that the development of the economy will in the future be able to depend to the same extent as before on the growth of fishing and primary processing. This is bound to influence greatly the direction of general economic policy, and has, to a certain extent, already done so. It has been generally considered that the secondary processing of fish products could take over the leading role in economic growth heretofore played by fishing and primary processing. This view is supported by reference to the relatively low grade of processing of most Icelandic export products. It is hardly fully realized, however, that the secondary processing of fish products does not, in general, enjoy the special advantages that fishing and primary processing have derived from the easy access to the fishing banks. It is, on the whole, difficult to perceive, why secondary processing of fish products should be more advantageous in Ice- land than a number of other pursuits unrelated to the fishing industry. Whether this is so can only be decided by experience after approxi-
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Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands

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