Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.12.1967, Blaðsíða 78
TlMARIT VFl 1967
salting these tankers will have to be equipped
with means of chilling and preserving the fish.
One of the systems under consideration is RSW.
The Pargo-system, also referred to as super
chilling and now in use in Portugal, is discussed.
In shore plants, the use of boxes and fork lifts
have solved many handling problems and a
tendency for increased use of fork lifts for this
purpose is apparent in Iceland. Use of boxes at
sea has not met with general approval in Ice-
land but they are widely used in Norway.
Antibiotics and other preservatives in ice have
not been commercially used in Iceland, although
experiments have been carried out.
In recent years fish has been transported by
road between fishing towns in Iceland for
processing elsewhere and indications are that
this tendency will grow. Apart from herring for
reduction, sea transport has, however not been
used to date.
Seafrozen fish has not yet become available
as raw material to the processing plants in Ice-
1. G. A. Reay og J. M. Shewan. The spoilage of fish
and its preservation by chilling. Advances in Food
Research, vol. 2. New York (1949) bl. 343.
2. N. R. Jones. Problems associated with freezing of
very fresh fish. Fish Handling and Preservation.
OECD (1965) bl. 31.
3. Reglugerð um ferskfiskeftiriit. Sjávarútvegsmála-
ráðuneytið, 13. jan. 1961.
4. Hjalti Einarsson. The handling of the raw materials
used in the production of frozen fish products. Frozen
Fish —- Improved Quality and Packing. OEEC (1956)
bl. 53.
5. Asbjorn Johannesen. Fisketilvirkning og Fiske-
industri. J. W. Cappelins Forlag, Oslo (1963).
6. W. A. Mac Callum. Fish handling and hold construc-
tion in Canadian North Atlantic Trawlers. Bulletin
No. 103. Atlantic Fisheries Experimental Station,
7. G. H. O. Burgess, C. L. Cutting, J. A. Lovern, J. J.
Waterman. Fish Handling and Processing. H.M.S.
Stationery Office. (1965).
8. Hjalti Einarsson og Haraldur Ásgeirsson. Ihuganir
um ísun og gildi einangrunar í togaralestum. TVFl
42, (1957), 55.
9. Hjalti Einarsson. Sjókæling sem geymsluaðferð fyrir
ferskan fisk. Frost 4, (10.—12. tbl. 1964), bl. 9.
10. S. W. Roach, J. S. M. Harrison og H. L. A. Tarr.
Storage and transport of fish in refrigerated sea
water. Bulletin No. 126. Fisheries Research Board
of Canada (1961).
11. S. W. Roach. Storage in chilled sea water. Bio-
chemical and engineering aspects. Fish Handling and
Preservation OECD (1965), bl. 73.
12. J. A. Peters, J. W. Slavin, C. J. Carlson og D. W.
Baker. Storing groundfish in refrigerated sea water.
Fish Handling and Preservation. OECD (1965), bl. 79.
13. J. M. Shewan. Bacteriology of fish stored in chilled
sea water. Fish Handling and Preservation. OECD
(1965) bl. 111.
14. M. E. Stansby. Industrial Fishery Technology. Rein-
hold Publishing Co. (1963).
15. Haraldur Ásgeirsson og Hjalti Einarsson. Tilraunir
með síldardælu og síldarflutninga. Ægir 57, (1964),
bl. 439.
16. E. Scarlatti. System for preserving fresh fish on
board deep water vessels. Fish Handling and Preserva-
tion OECD (1965) bl. 57.
17. J. J. Waterman. Handling wet fish at sea and on
shore. Fish Handling and Preservation. OECD (1965)
bl. 133.
18. Hjalti Einarsson. Geymsluþol fisks í ís. Kæling og
notkun rotvarnarefna. Ægir 49, (1956) bl. 69.
19. Bulletin No. 100. Spoilage Problems in Fish Produc-
tion. Atlantic Fisheries Experimental Station. (1954).
20. C. H. Castell. Journal of the Fisheries Rcsearch
Board of Canada 7, (1949) 528.
21. L. L. Cambell o.fl. Food Technology 9, (1955) 461.
22. Már Elísson. Sjávaraflinn og útflutningsverzlunin.
Ægir. Afmælisrit (1959) bl. 59.
23. S. W. Roach. Bréfaviðskipti.