Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.12.1967, Síða 47

Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.12.1967, Síða 47
TlMARIT VPI 1967 45 of the necessity for sanitary practices in the food industry, in general. The existing food laws in Iceland date from 1936. Public health ordinances and codes are in effect for larger towns, but are for the most part lacking in many small towns in Iceland. Establishing and co-ordinating public health ordinances and codes for the whole country is urgently needed. Chapter 3 of this paper deals with reasons for employing sanitary practices in the produc- tion of frozen fish. In this relation the effect of freezing on the bacterial flora indigenous to fish is discussed. The public health aspects and bacterial species significant to public health which may contaminate fish during transport, handling, processing and freezing are evaluated. Chapter 3 finishes by discussing the use, need and practicability of bacterial standards for eva- luation of plant hygiene and product quality from the public health aspect. In chapter 4 is re- ported a bacteriological survey made on water supplies and water works used in Icelandic fish freezing plants. This survey was carried out dur- ing 1960 to 1962. Results obtained by this survey showed a definite need for in-plant-chlorination in the freezing plants. The Icelandic Fish Inspec- tion Service issued an ordinance in 1963 where- by all freezing plants in Iceland were directed to use chlorinated water at all times during processing of frozen fish. Chapter 5 discusses, in detail, the various sanitary aspects of the Icelandic frozen fish industry. The first part tells of a bacteriological survey on fish at various processing stages in 35 Icelandic fish freezing plants in 1962 to 1963. The results of the bacteriological findings are reported and discussed. This constitutes the remainder of the chapter in which is presented a review of the manner by which contamination of fish fillets to be frozen may take place. The most dangerous places on the processing line where fish may be contaminated are pointed out. Emphasis is made in the last part of the chapter on proper and efficient sanitary practices which should be employed in fish freezing plants. The conclusion reached in this article in that many sanitary problems face the fish freezing plants in Iceland. These problems have been solved in part but considerable effort must be made to improve the situation. In order to solve this problem the article suggest that emphasis be placed on training personell in sanitary sciences, both in government service and by the companies themselves. Furthermore, the sugges- tion is put forth that it is opportune to review existing laws and ordinances dealing with fish quality owing to ever increasing demands on wholesomeness and bacterial quality of foods, such as fish, in many of the countries that import Icelandic frozen fish. Heimildir (1) Þórhallur Halldórsson, TVFl 50 (1965) 50. (2) Sigurður H. Pétursson, Meginatriði í matvælaiðn- aði. Isafoldarprentsmiðja h.f. Reykjavík (1955). (3) Kenton L. Harris (ritstjóri), Microscopic-analytic methods in food and drug eontrol. Food and Drug Technical Bulletin No. 1. U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; Food and Drug Administration (1963). (4) Milton E. Parker, John H. Litchfield, Food plant sanitation. Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York. Chapman & Hall, Ltd., London (1962). (5) D. D. Tapiador, J. E. Carroz, Standards and require- ments for fish handling, processing, distribution and Quality Control. FAO Fisheries Reports no. 9. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (1963). (6) Georg Borgström, Microbiological problems of frozen food products, Advances of Food Research 6 (1955) 163. (7) Georg Borgström (ritstjóri), Fish as Food, bindi I—IV. Academic Press, New York og London (1961- 1965). (8) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Deve- lopment, Fish handling and preservation. OECD Paris (1965). (9) Rudolf Kreuzer (ritstjóri), The technology of fish utiliztion. Fishing News (Books) Ltd., London (1965). (10) G. Lindberg (ritstjóri), Proceedings Symposium on cured and frozen fish technology. SIK Publication No. 100. Gautaborg (1954). (11) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Deve- lopment, Sanitary regulations for fish and fish products (OECD Documentation in food and agri- culture 51). París (1961). (12) C. H. Castell, Spoilage problems in fresh fish production, Fisheries Research Board Can. Bull. No. 100 (1954), Bæklingur nr. 3. Ferskfiskeftirlitið (þýðing) (1962). (13) W. Ludorff, R. Kreuzer, Der Fisch vom Fang bis zum Verbrauch. Verlag Carl Th. Görg, Bremerhaven (1965). (14) Maurice E. Stansby, Industrial fishery technology. Reinhold Publishing Corporation. New York (1963). (15) J. Liston, H. Raj, The Sanitarian’s Journal of En- vironmental Health 25 (1962). (16) T. M. Floyd, G. B. Jones, American Jour. Trop. Med. Hyg. 3 (1954) 475. (17) J. Liston, H. Raj, Food Technology 15 (1961) 429. (18) J. M. Shewan, Recent advanced in food science. Butterworths Publications, London (1962). (19) L. W. Slanetz, C. O. Chichester, A. R. Gaufin, Z. J. Ordal, Microbiological quality of foods. Aca- demic Press, New York and London (1963).
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