Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.12.1967, Síða 85
TlMARIT VFl 1967
storage progresses. The values are read as optical
density of a homogenate of fish muscle, and these
decrease as denaturation proceeds. Besides being
very quick to carry out, the test is less influ-
enced by biological variation than protein solub-
ility, and it is probably the best method in cur-
rent use for investigating the cold-storage of fish
muscle. Many of the conclusions about various
conditions of freezing and storage, to be de-
scribed below, have been reached by this met-
The influence of storage temperature
The storage life of various products
Figure 1 shows the results of cell fragility
determinations carried out on cod (þorskur)
fillets, air-blast frozen within a day of catching
and stored at different temperatures. The fillets
were wrapped in foil to prevent drying out. At
—14°C the denaturation is virtually complete in
15 weeks, while at —29°C the same amount of
denaturation would take about 9 years. The
relationship between denaturation rate and
temperature is a logarithmic one (Love, 1962),
which explains why fish stored at —29°C dena-
ture so much more slowly than those at —24° C.
The Storage Life of Fish Products at Various Temperatures as
Estimated by Subjective Tests
—9 "C —18°C —21 "C —25 °C —29 °C
good inedible good good inedible good good inedible
White fish (gutted) .. 1 mo. 4 mo. 3-5 mo.’ 4 mo. 15 mo. 6-8 mo.1 8 mo. more than
4 yrs.
Herring (gutted) 1 mo. 3 mo. 2-3 mo.1 3 mo. 6 mo. 3-5 mo.1 6 mo. more than
1J yrs
Flatfish 4-6 mo.1 7-10 mo.1
Smoked white fish . .. 1 mo. 3 mo. 3J mo. 10 mo. 7 mo. more than
1 yr.
Kippers 3 wks. 2 mo. 2 mo. 5 mo. 4$ mo. more than
9 mo.
Kippers (vacuum more than
packed) 1 yr.
’Figures taken from the Intemational Institute of Ref rigeration Code of Practice, ‘Recommended Oonditions
for Cold Storage of Perishable Foodstuffs’. Other figures are from Reay Banks & Cutting (1950), these being
derived from fish stored in ice for not more than 24 hours between catching and freezing. All but the smoked
fish were 'glazed’ with a layer of ice, packed in woodenboxes lined with parchment paper, and kept within 0.5CC
of the stated temperature. Samples were tasted and compared with fresh fish at regular intervals.
Figure 1: Deterloration of frozen cod stored at different
temperatures, as measured by the cell fragility technique
(a decrease in Ejcm_ signifies deterioration). o-o
—14°, • - • —20°, A — A —24°, ■ — ■ —29°C.
Reproduced by courtesy of the Society of Chemical
While it is clear from the Figure that the
product will keep longer as the temperature is
lowered, it may come as a surprise to find that
we at Torry Research Station recommend a
storage temperature as low as —30°C for storing
fish — after all, it is unusual to store fish for
9 years. The point to remember, though, is that
9 years is the time needed to produce a very
tough, unacceptable product. The time for which