Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.12.1967, Qupperneq 280
TlMARIT VPl 1967
langt mál yrði að telja þá alla.
Sérstaklega vil ég þó þakka Davíð Ólafssyni,
fiskimálastjóra, en fyrir hans tilstilli tók Fiski-
félag Islands forystuna í þessu máli. Einnig ber
að þakka stjóm Fiskimálasjóðs, stjórn Síldar-
verksmiðja ríkisins, stjóm Síldarsaltendafélags
norðanlands og austan, stjóm Landssambands
íslenzkra útvegsmanna og stjóm Síldar- og fiski-
mjölsverksmiðjunnar h.f. í Reykjavík, fyrir
fjárhagslegan stuðning við þetta verkefni. Helgi
Sigvaldason, lic. techn., og Már Elísson hafa lesið
yfir handrit að þessari greinargerð og bent mér
á ýmislegt, sem betur mátti fara, og kann ég
þeim beztu þakkir fyrir þá aðstoð.
Herring has been fished near the coast of
Iceland for a long time, but it is only during the
first decades of this century that the earnings
become so great as to influence appreciably the
Icelandic economy. The herring fishing has been
subject to marked seasonal as well as long-term
fluctuations due to:
1. Locations of the fishing areas.
2. Abundance of herring.
3. Time of the year when the herring fishing
was possible.
4. Weather conditions during the fishing sea-
5. Market conditions.
These fluctuations have seriously jeopardized
the economics of the industry and made all
decisions very difficult. Some consequences:
1. Several processing plants are obsolete be-
cause of lack of supply.
2. The strive to bring processing and storage
capacity in line with peak fish landings has
resulted in over-capitalisation in processing
plants, and lowered the total load factor of
3. The fluctuations in the locations of the
fishing areas have also encouraged the
erection of several small and less economic
processing plants.
4. Difficulties in selecting the most economic
size of fishing boats and their fishing gear.
Decision making in the Icelandic herring
industry is a very complex problem and this
paper describes an attempt to use advanced
mathematical techniques to investigate the
industry as an integrated system. The logical
operational objective of this program should be
to point out the decision methods that would
ultimately optimize the use of available resources
in such a way that the profit of the herring
industry as a whole would be maximized.
As a prototype study a simplified model (Fig.
2) of the herring industry system has been
constructed and it has been used for computer
simulation. As yet this model has only been
used for trying out various decision rules for
the captains i.e. where to land their catch, as
their obvious goal is to minimize the time they
use for sailing from the fishing area to the un-
loading place and back to the fishing area again.
Further use of this model for d'iscovering the
probable effect of new investment (in processing
plants, ships etc.) or new tactical methods,
would require some extensions of the model,
especially inclusion of the possibihties for
various processing methods (salting, freezing,
canning etc.) and for transport ships for the
transport of herring from the fishing boats to
distant harbours (Fig. 3).
The use of group strategy among the vessels
of the fishing fleet in the effort to search for
the herring with the possible aid of a computer
is also mentioned (Fig. 3).
Kjartan Jóhannsson:
Ég vil byrja á því að þakka Þóroddi Sigurðs-
syni fyrir þetta erindi, sem mér sýnist mjög
greinargott og vel samið. Hann gerir flóknu
verkefni góð skil á skömmum tíma. Það er líka
vert að þakka Þóroddi fyrir það, að hann skyldi
setja í gang þetta mikla verkefni. Ég veit vel,
að þetta verkefni er skemmtilegt, athygUsvert
og erfitt, því að ég hafði sjálfur velt því nokk-
uð fyrir mér og haft augastað á að vinna það.
Varðandi nokkur orð, sem koma fyrir í erindinu,
ef ég má gerast svo nöldursamur, vil ég segja
þetta: Ég mundi leggja til, að beztun væri ein-
göngu notað yfir ,,optimiseringu“, eins og Þór-
oddur hefur þegar fallizt á. „Operations re-
search“ finnst mér helzt að mætti kalla kerfis-