Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands

Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.12.1967, Qupperneq 294

Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.12.1967, Qupperneq 294
292 TÍMARIT VFI 1967 produced under such excellent sanitary condi- tions from such extremely fresh raw material that it was very pleasant to consume per se, which I did. I have no doubt that eventually, a truly sanitary, wholesome and stable high- quality fishmeal can be produced that might be suitable for human consumption. This would, of course, be a much more inexpensive product and might have a certain market appeal that a completely bland product woud nolt have, in certain parts of Africa and Asia, for instance, where a strong taste is mandatory. At the moment, however, I feel that great caution must be exercised in order to prevent all kinds of products from appearing on the market, products that might contain polymerized and rancid oils which would not only give a negative market image to the product in many countries but would also reduce the nutritive value of the supplement. It is extremely doubtful whether such a product could be safely fed to very young children and expectant mothers who, as you know, are much more sensitive than other segments of population to a number of nutri- tional imbalances. Páll Ólafsson: I wish to thank Dr. Pariser for his interesting lecture. As far as I can see the production of fish protein concentrate or fish flour for human consumption is making rapid development through the effort of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries in College Park, Maryland, under the leadership of Dr. Pariser. We certainly look forward to following this development and seeing the plant in operation, producing fish protein concentrate on an industrial scale. As you have heard the method to be used depends on the direct extraction of fresh fish, viz. hake, with isopropylalcohol and drying, screening and grinding of the product. Considerable experimental work has been done on the production of fish flour in the last 10-20 years. Industrial production of fish flour for human consumption from fish meal has been attempted in Morocco, Peru and South Africa but in all these countries it has been given up due to marketing difficulties and perhaps also technical difficulties. Some companies may be ready for production by the Vio-Bin process in the U.S.A., now when the Food and Drug Administration has given its sanction and set the specifications, but I do not know the situation. In Sweden the Astra plant is said to be pro- ducing fish flour and it might interest the audi- ence to have some of the information about solvent extraction of fish meal we gathered at the meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Association of Fish Meal Manu- facturers held in Aberdeen in April. The production of fish flour was discussed to some extent. Astra’s plant in Sweden was speci- ally mentioned as it has been much advertised in the newspapers and the technical press recently. It was not disclosed how big the production is nor whether the product is on the market although I enquired specially about this last point. The flour is mostly used as feeding stuff for animals and mink. The price was said to be 1.50- 2.00 Swedish crowns for each kilogram of it. The price for fish flour for human consump- tion was said to be 2.50-3.00 Swedish crowns per kilo. Astra was said to have got one million Swedish crowns from the Swedish government as a sub- sidy when it started its experiments. One of the meal producers told the meeting that he did sell about 20 tons of steam dried fish meal each month to Astra. About the method used by Astra it was consi- dered that the solvent is isopropylalcohol, which is the same substance as the Americans intend to use in the production of fish protein concen- trate from fresh fish for human consumption. The speaker had it confirmed by a Norwegian who was there that a solvent extraction plant is to be erected in Norway for the production of herring meal with less than 1% fat content. The plan is to produce up to 12.000 tons of such meal per year. One of the Norwegians said that a Danish fish meal merchant had informed him that the price for such meal would be 1.60 Danish crowns per kilo. The price was mentioned last year. The machinery for the solvent extraction plant will be German, probably from Rud. A. Hart- man. The solvent used will be hexane. The above mentioned information about prices etc. should be treated with caution as it is rather difficult to get reliable information about Astra in spite of much advertising information.
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Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands

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