Hugur - 01.01.2013, Blaðsíða 91
Hver eru vi!horf grunnskólakennara til l#!ræ!is í skólastarfi?
Deweys. John Dewey í hugsun og verki: Menntun, reynsla og l#!ræ!i. (bls. –).
Ritstj. Jóhanna Einarsdóttir og Ólafur Páll Jónsson. Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan.
Laxdæla saga. . Einar Ól. Sveinsson gaf út. Reykjavík: Hið íslenzka fornritafélag.
Lög um grunnskóla nr. /.
Lög um grunnskóla nr. /. Sótt á
Lög um grunnskóla nr. /. Sótt á
Lög um grunnskóla nr. /. Sótt á
Nisbett, Richard. E. og Lee Ross. . Human inference: Strategies and shortcomings of
social judgement. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Ólafur Páll Jónsson. . L#!ræ!i, réttlæti og menntun. Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan.
Platon. . Ríki!. Þýð. Eyjólfur Kjalar Emilsson. Reykjavík: Hið íslenzka bók-
Ralston, Shane J. . Dewey and Goodin on the value of monological deliberation.
Ethics and politics (), –.
Rogoff, Barbara, Eugene Matsuov og Cynthia White. . Models of teaching and
learning: Participation in a community of learners. )e handbook of education and
human development (bls. –). Ritstj. David R. Olson og Nancy Torrance. Ox-
ford: Blackwell.
Ross, Alistair. . Teaching as a Political Activity: )e Teacher as a Political Actor. Er-
indi flutt við Háskóla Íslands.
Sigrún Aðalbjarnardóttir. . Vir!ing og umhyggja: Ákall /%. aldar. Reykjavík: Heims-
Sigrún Aðalbjarnardóttir. . Borgaravitund ungs fólks í l#!ræ!is$jó!félagi. Reykja-
vík: Rannsóknarsetrið Lífshættir barna og ungmenna, Félagsvísindastofnun og
Menntavísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands.
Vilhjálmur Árnason, Salvör Nordal og Kristín Ástgeirsdóttir. . Siðferði og starfs-
hættir í tengslum við fall íslensku bankanna . A!dragandi og orsakir falls íslensku
bankanna /'', og tengdir atbur!ir (. bindi). Ritstj. Páll Hreinsson, Sigríður Bene-
diktsdóttir, Tryggvi Gunnarsson. Reykjavík: Rannsóknarnefnd Alþingis.
Weinstein, Mark. . Critical thinking and education for democracy. Educational
Philosophy and )eory (), –.
Zyngier, David. . Re-Discovering democracy: Putting action (back) into active
citizenship and praxis (back) into practice. Can educators make a di0erence? (bls.
–). Ritstj. Paul R. Carr og David Zyngier, Mark Pruyn. Charlotte: Information
Age Publishing.
Þorsteinn Gylfason. . Tilraun um heiminn. Reykjavík: Heimskringla.
Ois paper is based on a research project inspired by the new Icelandic National
Curriculum Guide for Compulsory Schools and its emphasis on six new fun-
damental pillars of education. One of those pillars is Democracy and Human
Rights. Oe Compulsory School Act has stipulated for quite a while that schools
shall prepare students for living and working in a democratic society; but it is
only with the introduction of the new National Curriculum Guide that plans
have been constructed on how to implement this aim.
Oe sample in the empirical part of the research project was composed of teach-
ers in two different municipalities who answered a questionnaire on if, and how,
Hugur 2013-4.indd 91 23/01/2014 12:57:27